Sunday, 5 January 2014

My thoughts on January Challenges

If you read my blog or follow me on twitter you will know I started January with #Janathon, and will be upping the challenge with both #Jantastic and #21daysofyoga tomorrow.

All three challenges actually for together, for #Jantastic il be running 3 times a week, for #Janathon I need to do something every day, be it a workout, a run or a little restorative yoga practice.

I have been building a daily yoga practice for some time now, for me #21daysofyoga is all about giving up some time and focusing on my heart and head. Every now and again I forget that yoga isn't about being the stretchiest pretzel in the hippest lulu gear, and actually yoga for me is about the quiet head space and clarity after practice, knowing the time is for me and my practice is only for me.

I'm using this January to focus on finding space and time for me, and I am hoping January will set the tone for 2014. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing janathon and jantastic as I think they fit well together, but I don't think I have the time for the yoga challenge yet, I'd love to try it for February perhaps.
